The following are some sample reports, studies and surveys that have been conducted:
Three year capacity building program to support the sustainable charcoal and timber harvesting value chain development (2016)
Project document for the establishment and consolidation of a UN Global Compact local network in Tanzania (2015)
Feasibility study on the establishment of a secretariat for the UN Global Compact network in Tanzania (2015)
Mapping dialogue platforms (2014)
Capacity Building Plan for Natural Resource Management (2014)
Best practices social accountability (2013)
SRESA - ERM (2013).
Mid Term Review Local Government Reform Program Phase II (2012)
Baseline/Perception Survey Social Accountability (2012)
Effectiveness of decentralization: Absorption capacity LGAs (2010)
Possibilities and Challenges to mainstream successful concepts of the Tusome Vitabu Project into National Policy (2010)
Capacity building funding flows for LGAs (2008)
Community Based Health Initiatives Capitalization Study (2010)
Public Expenditure Tracking Survey Best Practices (2009)
Civil society mapping (2009)
Local democracy context analysis (2008).