Sustainable Business Development

eMJee Consult developed a two-pronged approach that starts with GRI Training and continues with support to Sustainable Business Development (SBD) as explained in Our Model.

What is Sustainable Business Development?

Sustainable Business Development is about:
  • Supporting businesses to define their goals, formulate strategies, engage with stakeholders, monitored their impact on social, economic and environmental aspects and communicate their successes regarding sustainability issues
  • Advocating for an enabling environment facilitating all actors to adhere to sustainability requirements
Why should you report on sustainability?

Reasons for sustainability reporting include:
  • Demonstrate commitment to transparency and sustainability
  • Comply with regulations
  • Respond to stakeholder interests
  • Create sustainability awareness throughout the organization
  • Develop goals, strategies and activities
  • Improve management systems and internal processes
  • Identify and manage strengths and weaknesses
  • Build public trust
“Imagine Your Business”
Download our “Imagine Your Business” poster, or click to zoom
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Done well, though, [CSR] is not some separate activity that companies do on the side, a corner of corporate life reserved for virtue: it is just good business.
The Economist Magazine

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