eMJee Netherlands
eMJee Netherlands is based in Utrecht and is registered as a VOF since 2007, with the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel number 30227913)
eMJee Netherlands engages with a variety of clients in the Netherlands and abroad who look for consultancy services mostly in Africa.
These services vary from oversight missions for the Canadian-based consultancy-Group Norda Stelo (formerly Roche Ltd) in support of the establishment and training of water users in irrigation schemes in Morocco and Burkina Faso, and providing support to the start of the MCA in Niger, which are all funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. eMJee Netherlands has worked on IWRM and agricultural water management in Rwanda (water for growth), Burundi and in the Usangu flats. In Guinee, the work consisted of supporting the institutional setup to implement the irrigation masterplan for the country, in collaboration with the ministry of agriculture.
eMJee has as well been involved in the independent verification of the payment by result in the rural water sector in Tanzania.
eMJee Netherlands engages with a variety of clients in the Netherlands and abroad who look for consultancy services mostly in Africa.
These services vary from oversight missions for the Canadian-based consultancy-Group Norda Stelo (formerly Roche Ltd) in support of the establishment and training of water users in irrigation schemes in Morocco and Burkina Faso, and providing support to the start of the MCA in Niger, which are all funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. eMJee Netherlands has worked on IWRM and agricultural water management in Rwanda (water for growth), Burundi and in the Usangu flats. In Guinee, the work consisted of supporting the institutional setup to implement the irrigation masterplan for the country, in collaboration with the ministry of agriculture.
eMJee has as well been involved in the independent verification of the payment by result in the rural water sector in Tanzania.
Assignments eMJee Netherlands
Since 2008, the following assignments have been or are being conducted by the Dutch company:
KfW (October 2018 to November 2019) Support the newly established Arrondissements de Gestion des Systèmes Hydrauiique
Under the contract management of SHE, eMJee contributed to the strengthening of the rural water supply and irrigation transfer to water user associations in Tunisia in 5 regions. the so-called Arrondissements de Gestion des Systèmes Hydraulique (ASGH) are newly created entities that have different roles to play in support of the water user groups; Support, monitoring and evaluation and enforcement. The program has an investment fund for small rehabilitation and investments to enhance the operations and ensure optimum management and operations by the water users.
Under the contract management of SHE, eMJee contributed to the strengthening of the rural water supply and irrigation transfer to water user associations in Tunisia in 5 regions. the so-called Arrondissements de Gestion des Systèmes Hydraulique (ASGH) are newly created entities that have different roles to play in support of the water user groups; Support, monitoring and evaluation and enforcement. The program has an investment fund for small rehabilitation and investments to enhance the operations and ensure optimum management and operations by the water users.
World Bank (October 2016 to June 2018) Reconnaissance survey for agricultural water management in the Usangu flats.
The consortium AGRER - eMJee Netherlands implemented an interesting water resources management program to improve the agricultural water management of the 20000 km2 area. Tension exists between agricultural use (rice) and pastoralist occupation on the one hand and with the environmental flows required downstream of the area (which feeds into the Ruaha National Park).
The recommendations focus on improving water management, avoiding cascading irrigation interventions, reduce (man-made) water losses, enforce policies and train relevant staff in using remote sensing and satellite imagery.
DFID (June 2017 to March 2018) Second assignment on Payment by Result in the rural water sector in Tanzania.
The second PbR independent verification, a collaboration between IMC Worldwide, ONA, Stats 4 Development and eMJee verified 40000 distribution points in 129 LGAs in Tanzania, the verify their operational status and their capability to provide water according to the prevailing definitions of functional water points. The results of the verification will improve the existing database and contribute to the ongoing discussion with the MoWI to increase service level to the rural population.
PASAG, Program d'Appui au Secteur Agricole en Guinée (December 2017 to September 2018)
Under the contract management of SHER, eMJee contributed to the institutional assessment and proposed embedding of the multi-annual irrigation masterplan (20-years plan) for the Direction Nationale de Génie Rurale (ministère de l'Agriculture). The plan focusses on making Guinée more self-reliant with regards to its food production through an ambitious investment program and a support program to increase the productivity of the farmers.
BTC/ Ministry of Agriculture, Development of the "Atlas de Marais" in Burundi (January 2017 to September 2017)
Under the contract management of SHER, eMJee contributed to development of a legal framework for water user associations and the development of a roadmap to establish a maintenance fund for critical infrastructure investments.
Under the contract management of SHER, eMJee contributed to development of a legal framework for water user associations and the development of a roadmap to establish a maintenance fund for critical infrastructure investments.
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)/Roche (2016-2017) - Niger
Independent Engineering Services, support to the start-up phase of the new MCC intervention in Niger focusing on separating the water management and maintenance activities from the agricultural cooperatives. Development of the ToR for the future service provider to support the water user associations
EKN (Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands)Support to the Rwanda Ministry of Natural Resources/ State Agency of Natural resources RNRA (2016/2017)
Review the institutional embedding of the Integrated Water Resources Management concept in the RNRA and decentralised entities. Review of the Human Resources situation and capacity assessment. Propose mitigation efforts to address staffing gaps and the collaboration between different ministries. Support the institutional arrangement and funding modality of an IWRM investment Funds
Agence Française de Développement (October 2015- February 2016) - Tanzania
Evaluation of potential intervention areas qualifying for AFD support in urban water supply.
Assessment of the priority interventions by the GoT addressing the readiness of the proposals and the value for money of the interventions.
Agence Française de Développement (July 2014- February 2015) - Tanzania
Ex-Post evaluation of the Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project, which was implemented from 2004 to 2010. The project included design and investments in two towns (Mpwapwa and Utete towns) and design and support to the tender documentation of 7 additional towns in Rufiji District, Morogoro Region and Dodoma region. The project supported was well initiatives related to sanitation and hygiene promotion.
The ex-post evaluation looked specifically into the period 2010- 2014 to distill lessons regarding the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and relevance of the project.
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)/Roche (2011-2014) - Burkina Faso
Independent Engineering Services, Burkina Faso Agriculture Development & rural land governance project.
Team leader for Roche Ltd Consulting-group in charge of oversight missions in support of the MCC/MCA program, which deals with establishing and training water user association that will be in charge of the Operations and maintenance of in total 4500 ha. The work includes reviewing the conditionality for the establishment of WUA, review of training material developed and oversight of the training provided.
MCC/Roche (2011-2013) - Morocco
Independent Engineering Services, Morocco, Infrastructure project (irrigation for olive oil and dates production). Oversight mission on the training of 142 water user associations, in charge of the O&M aspects of the irrigation schemes, located all over the country.
Zanzibar Human Health Education and Research Consortium (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - Zanzibar (MoH&SW), the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), and the Copenhagen School of Global Health (CSGH))
Assess the institutional needs and suggest capacity development activities of the State University in Zanzibar and MoH&SW to plan, implement and manage a short course in Environmental Health with a particular focus on water supply, sanitation and human hygiene, that will attain international accreditation within three years.
IBP (2009-2011): Tanzania
Quality of Education Reforms: the Case of HakiElimu’s campaign of 2005-2007.
The team was to jointly analyze with HakiElimu and through stakeholder interviews, what the key factors are for success to influence education policies and improve the quality of education.
IRC/GIZ for EU (2009-2011): Tanzania
Institutional and organizational support to the Water Development and Management Institute.
The consortium provided services in the area of curriculum development, internal management strengthening/organizational development, and retooling of the premises. 8 short courses were developed based on a training needs assessment in the water sector.
Contact eMJee Netherlands
Engelsmanplaat 31
3524 AZ Utrecht
+31 (0) 625 011 108
Engelsmanplaat 31
3524 AZ Utrecht
+31 (0) 625 011 108
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eMJee Netherlands office
Engelsmanplaat 31
3425AZ Utrecht
the Netherlands
3425AZ Utrecht
the Netherlands