eMJee Consult Tanzania Ltd. is a consultancy firm based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, that provides services in support of multiple sectors and to a wide range of actors.
Cross-Cutting Services:
Support to civil society and government is oriented towards strengthening of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and National and Local government to become equal partners in dialogue, through social accountability, institutional and organisational development (ID/OD) and capacity building. Simultaneously, eMJee promotes a strong link between national and local initiatives to ensure representation and bottom up advocacy.
Support to private sector organisations is focused on training and coaching in sustainability reporting and mainstreaming, including stakeholder engagement and development of mitigating measures of social and environmental risks.
Services and support vary from short-term assignments such as training, surveys, pre-studies and evaluations, to longer-term assignments such as facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, coaching and back stopping of programs.
Our mission is to provide quality services to clients and actors, especially in Africa, with the aim to enhance sustainability and social justice for the benefit of the less privileged population in Africa.
The guiding principle eMJee Consult adheres to, originates from the perception that clients are operating in a complex environment and therefore need tailor-made services. This requires a close collaboration, where we jointly explore expectations, the internal and external contexts, opportunities and possible results. Flexibility, results-orientation and sustainable solutions, based on consensus, are part of our device.
Where possible, eMJee will look for opportunities to link government with civil society and the private sector. Good governance, transparency and accountability principles are embedded in all of our business propositions.
While addressing institutional and organisational development (ID/OD) and capacity building services, eMJee prefers a modular approach with intervals for implementation try-outs to allow appropriation of jointly agreed strategies.
Whenever possible, eMJee will engage national consultants from its large pool of associates to build on available local context knowledge and ensure cultural compatibility with the recommendations provided.